Fall is in the air...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Final Mission: The Journey Home

Early this afternoon, the military men and women of the 86th Combat Support Hospital, which shares the compound where I work, line the road and rooftops and render a salute as a helicopter carrying the remains of our battle dead depart the International Zone, beginning the journey to their place of final rest, as two more helicopters bearing wounded are inbound in the distance.

The soldier was an Army lieutenant, killed when his Stryker vehicle put itself between a fast approaching car that would not respond to the Stryker's direction to stop, and the other military vehicles very close to an International Zone checkpoint. The car was in fact a VBIED (vehicle-borne improvised explosive device), which exploded on impact with the Stryker at 8AM yesterday, killing the LT, two Iraqi citizens, and wounding an American severely. The explosion was only about 1/2 mile from my worksite, and shook the building.

The situation in Baghdad is greatly improved--but we must remember that we are still at war.

Remember our warriors, and these brave doctors and nurses.
Honor our fallen. They are our mission.

(Click on the photos--you will be able to see more clearly the military rendering a salute of honor.)

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