Fall is in the air...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

First Contact -- 5 April 2007

I thought that I would back up a bit, and post some of my emails to family and friends, from my first day here in Bag-city, along with some other first impressions.

Dear Family,

Hello from the International Zone in downtown Baghdad. Right now, I'm sitting in a huge ballroom in one of Saddam's palaces, now the US Embassy, drinking a chai latte and writing emails. Just another one of the many surreal experiences I have had since arriving here in the Green Zone at 5:30 this morning. Today has been somewhat of a blur -- we arrived and got an hour of sleep before having to get up for the start of our in-briefs. Then it was death by PowerPoint all day long. I am getting settled into my "hooch" which I share the bedroom with the medic from my unit.

I wish I could write more about what I have seen here in the last day -- we arrived at BIAP (Baghdad International Airport) from Kuwait at about 8:30PM and waited for our transportation to the IZ. The journey was quick and uneventful, but I found myself not able to sleep when we were finally able to. As I lay in my cot, over the near constant drone of helicopters, I could hear the
muezzin from a nearby mosque start the morning call to prayer.

I'll write more as soon as I can.


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